Time | Details | Location |
5pm | Meet at Brooklyn Train StationHead to local Bottle shop and get some supplies. | Brooklyn Station, NSW |
6pm | Ferry Departs at 6pm sharpMake sure you catch this. There is no backup ferry. | Wharf next to Brooklyn Station, NSW |
7pm | Dinner | Dining Hall |
Time | Details | Location |
9am | Breakfast | Dining Hall |
10am | Strike a pose - Gesture recognition in JavaScript with Machine Learning & Arduinoby Charlie Gerard | Main Hall |
10:30am | Automating the $h1T out of everything because I am very very tiredby Calvin Dass | Main Hall |
11am | Morning Tea | |
11:30am | Javascripting your way to electronicless passive wifi devicesby Steven Cooper | Main Hall |
12noon | Lunch | Dining Hall |
1pm | Workshop - Synth and Sequencing for beginnersby Julian Scharf | Main Hall |
2.30pm | Web Sharing is Web Caringby Phil Nash | Main Hall |
3pm | Afternoon Tea | Dining Hall |
3:30pm | Fewer Bugs with Better TypeScript Typesby Rob Howard | Main Hall |
4pm | Workshop - React Patterns And Refactoringby Inga Pflaumer | Main Hall |
6pm | Dinner | Dining Hall |
Time | Details | Location |
9am | Breakfast | Dining Hall |
10am | Tech communitiesby Tanya Butenko | Main Hall |
10:30am | Refactoring React With Juniorsby Inga Pflaumer | Main Hall |
11am | Break | |
11:30am | The nerurodiversity factor in techby Julian Scharf | Main Hall |
12noon | Lunch | Dining Hall |
1pm | Let me change how you hack in JavaScriptby Matt Way | Main Hall |
2pm | Building Scalable (and maintainable) Microservices with JavaScriptby Josh Wulf | Main Hall |
3pm | Afternoon Tea | Dining Hall |
3:30pm | Making gaming more efficient and funby Cong Nguyen | Main Hall |
4pm | Opening Doors with JSON Web Tokensby Ben Dechrai | Main Hall |
5pm | Smaller ferry leaves for Brooklyn WharfThis is a small ferry. The main ferry leaves tomorrow morning at 10am. Train departs to Sydney soon after. | Pier |
6pm | Dinner | Dining Hall |
7pm | Closing Remarks + Show & Tell | Dining Hall |
Time | Details | Location |
8:30am | Breakfast and Wind up | Dining Hall |
10am | Ferry leaves Broken Bay Centre for Brooklyn WharfFerry will depart sharp at 10am and reach the wharf by approximately 10:45am. Train departs to Sydney soon after. | Pier |